Clinical social workers have a Master of Social Work degree and have specialized training and experience in providing mental health services, excluding prescribing medication or performing psychological testing.
In Texas, clinical social workers are licensed through the Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners which sets standards for professional competence and ethical behavior.
People ask me: What is Jungian psychotherapy? Does it matter if I know anything about Jungian psychology to benefit from it? How does it differ from other kinds of therapy?
Jungian psychotherapy is simply therapy by a practitioner who has studied and ascribes to ideas from Carl Jung's analytical psychology. It is a theoretical orientation used to understand human nature and behavior and a model for assessing and interacting with clients.
Every therapist has a theoretical orientation that affects how she thinks about and behaves with clients. As with other therapies, for the Jungian, the theoretical orientation is the backdrop of the work and is seldom overtly evident in a session. The client need not understand Jung nor his psychology to benefit.
In Jungian analysis and psychotherapy, the therapist and client sit across from each other and engage in dialogue about the client's concerns in order to relieve suffering and promote wholeness. The Jungian therapist uses the same listening skills and empathy as therapists with other orientations.
How Jungian psychotherapy as I practice it differs most apparently from other modes of therapy is my use of the concepts of complex and shadow to help clients understand some of their troubling feelings, thoughts and/or behaviors. It also differs from other depth treatments, like Freudian psychoanalysis, if the client is interested in their dreams because Jung's and Freud's ideas about the unconscious differ significantly.
Because Jungian depth psychology is of great interest to me and because some prospective clients specifically are looking for a therapist with a Jungian orientation, I have it prominently displayed on this website. But I am also aware that most clients are not interested in these theoretical matters nor need they be.
The following is my Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Master of Social Work 1972
University of Washington, Graduate School of Social Work, Seattle, Washington
Graduate study 1969
Smith College, Graduate School for Social Work, Northampton, Massachusetts
Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Distinction (cum laude) 1969
Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Academic honors: Psi Chi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta Kappa
C. G. Jung Institute of Dallas
P.O. Box 7004, Dallas, Texas 75209-0004
Dates: September 1989 to June 1994
Analytic Candidate
Dallas Group Psychotherapy Society
P.O. Box 803227, Dallas, TX 75380-3227
Dates: September 1984 to June 1986
Approved by the American Group Psychotherapy Association
Private Practice
Dates: July 1976 to present
Specialty: Adults and Elders, Jungian Psychotherapy
Southwest Family Institute (currently Family Studies Center at UT Southwestern Medical Center)
University of Texas Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 75390
Dates: July 1981 to June 1984
Title: Executive Director, Clinic Director, Faculty Member
Agency: Graduate and post graduate Marriage and Family Therapy training institute
Dallas Child Guidance Clinic (currently Child and Family Guidance Center)
8915 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75235
Dates: October 1974 to June 1981
Title: Psychiatric Social Worker; Program Director: Mexican American Outreach; Program Director: Parent Education Programs
Agency: Outpatient psychiatric teaching clinic providing collaborative (social work, psychology and psychiatry) diagnosis and treatment of children and families
Ruth School for Girls (currently Ruth Dykeman Children’s Center)
137 SW 154th St, Burien, Washington 98166.
Dates: June 1972 to July 1974
Title: Psychiatric Social Worker
Agency: Residential treatment for juvenile court referred adolescent women and residential care for pregnant adolescents
Tacoma Child Guidance Clinic
6424 North 9th Street, Tacoma, WA 98406
Dates: September 1971 to June 1972
University of Washington, Clinical Social Work Internship
Western State Hospital (Psychiatric)
9601 Steilacoom Boulevard SW, Lakewood, WA 98498-7213
Dates: September 1970 to June 1971
University of Washington, Clinical Social Work Internship
New Beginning Center
218 North Tenth St., Garland, TX 75040
Dates: September 1985 to June1988
Title: Clinical Consultant and Field Supervisor: Consultant to clinical staff and University of Texas at Arlington, Graduate School for Social Work, Field Supervisor for the Executive Director.
Agency: Shelter and counseling center addressing family violence
Southwest Family Institute
University of Texas Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 75390
Dates: July 1981 to June 1984
Title: Clinical Faculty and Supervisor for ten graduate students per academic year from University of Texas at Arlington, Graduate School of Social Work; University of Texas Medical School at Dallas, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry; Texas Woman’s University, Graduate School of Family Therapy; University of North Texas, Graduate School of Psychology; Texas A&M University at Commerce, Graduate School of Counseling; Southern Methodist University, Graduate School of Psychology
University of Texas at Arlington
Graduate School of Social Work
Dates: September 1975 to June 1988
Title: Adjunct Faculty, Field Supervisor
Smith College
Graduate School for Social Work
Dates: September 1977 to June 1981
Title: Clinical Instructor: Field supervisor of interns placed at Dallas Child Guidance Clinic
Women's Center of Dallas
Dates: September 1977 to June 1978
Title: Clinical Consultant, Field Supervisor: Consultant and Supervisor of counseling center staff and interns
University of Washington
Graduate School of Social Work
Dates: September 1973 to June 1974
Title: Field Supervisor: Supervisor of interns placed at Ruth School for Girls
National Provider Identifier (NPI)
Licensed Clinical Social Worker: Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners
Social Worker Independent Clinical License: Washington State Department of Health
National Association of Social Workers: Academy of Certified Social Workers, Diplomate in Clinical Social Work
Texas Society for Clinical Social Work
CG Jung Society of North Texas: Founding Board Member, Board of Directors
Jungian Psychotherapists Association, Seattle
One Hundred Daffodils: Finding Beauty, Grace, and Meaning When Things Fall Apart
Author Rebecca Winn in Conversation with Julia Ann Dodson, LCSW
C.G. Jung Society of North Texas, August 14, 2020
"Imagery and Symbolism in Psychotherapy," Paper about the transformative potential of symbols presented to Professional Issues Seminar, Department of Psychology, Texas Women's University, April 15, 1994
"Freud and Jung: On the Royal Road to the Unconscious," Paper based on the Freud - Jung letters presented to Clinical Case Conference, National Association of Social Workers, Dallas Chapter, February 9, 1994
"Pele: Goddess of the Volcano," Paper about archetypal feminine creativity presented to C. G. Jung Institute of Dallas, May 31, 1992
"The Movie Alien: Encounter with the Dark Goddess," Paper about the Night Sea Journey towards Consciousness presented to C. G. Jung Society of North Texas, May 17, 1991 [excerpt posted]
"Freud and Jung on Depression," Paper presented to C. G. Jung Institute of Dallas, May 1, 1990
"Women and Men Working Together," Paper presented at Women as Therapists Workshop, sponsored by Southwest Family Institute, and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, Department of Psychiatry, April 27, 1985